٭ Current Version: 0.5.14 ٭ Requires Android: 2.1 up ٭ Category: News & Magazines ٭ Size: 599k ٭ Whats in t version: ٭ Fix re-start of when orientation changes. ٭ Details: ٭ EasyRSS is an unofficial Google Reader Android. It aims at provid best user experience users to read manage Google Reader items. ٭ Features: ٭ - Sync with Google Reader ٭ - Image download off-line read ٭ - Simple swipe beten starred/all/unread items ٭ - Manage starred items ٭ - View items by tag or subscription ٭ - State v & sync ٭ - Slide up & down to move beten items ٭ - Font size adjustment ٭ Note: Google Reader account required ٭ Email:
easyrssofficial@gmail.com ٭ bsite:
http://easyrss.pursuer.me ٭ FAQ ٭ Why permissions android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS android.permission.MANAGE_ACCOUNTS are needed? ٭ EasyRSS need to acquire Google accounts on phone, to make it easier users to log in. ٭ Acknowledgement: Special thanks to @teki207 @soyofuki Spanish Japanese translation. ٭ Whats new? ٭ 0.5.14 ٭ - Fix re-start of when orientation changes. ٭ 0.5.13 ٭ - Fix bug in sync (unable to sync somemes). ٭ - GPU acceleration support. ٭ 0.5.12 ٭ - Spanish support. ٭ - Be able to ve image to SD Card. ٭ - Faster scroll in view items. ٭ - Fix bug in sync when sync failed. ٭ play: ٭ ٭
https://play.google.com/store/s/d...i5lYXN5cnNzIl0. ٭ Download: ٭ http://www.directmirror.com/files/1E1KUMT9