Written By Unknown on Saturday, September 29, 2012 | 9:00 AM
w1J1R.jpg ٭ Blurr line beten digital phi, aphones combines two to create a fully interactive real world experience. Switch off fety, load magazine, rack slide fire, all with hav cops led on you. ٭ Ergonomily designed, aphones fit naturally into shooters h. All important controls are located within a fers reach. ability to resize, flip relocate aphone assures perfect fit no matter size of h or screen. ٭ price of a couple of 5.56mm rounds you can have a full arsenal of aphones you wont shoot eye . ٭ Features: ٭ Ahenc Sound Effects ٭ Fir Shell Ejection Animations ٭ Full Interaction Control ٭ Realistic apon Mechanics ٭ 100% Customizable to Fit Users H Size Preference ٭ Lefty Flip ٭ Rotate 180° ٭ Se ٭ Location ٭ User Adjustable Variables ٭ Unlimited Ammo ¹ ٭ Delay Timer ³ ٭ apon State Indicator (Why Am I Not Shoot) ٭ Ultra Detailed Step-By-Step Animated Torial ٭ Mul-Touch Support ٭ Social Media Driven Fure Content ٭ Functional Features: ٭ Trigger ¹ ٭ Slide/Charg Handle ¹ ٭ Magazine Release ¹ ٭ fety/Fire Selector ¹ ٭ Slide/Bolt Release ¹ ٭ Accessory ¹ ٭ Hammer ² ٭ Pin ³ ٭ Spoon ³ ٭ Wha in t version : (Updated : Sep 28, 2012) ٭ Br NEW aphone, a Belt Fed Light Machine Gun, Plus a Compact Version ٭ Realistic Open Bolt Operation ٭ Manual Reload (Pull Belt) ٭ Simulated Overheat With Temperature Gauge Smoke Effects ٭ Deployable Bipod, Carry Handle Laser ٭ Spent Link Shell Animations ٭ Improved Permance on Aomatic apons ٭ Relocated Shotgun fety Bton to Trigger Group ٭ Required Android O/S : 2.2+ ٭ play: ٭ ٭