furr subdivides into 3 temperature classes. T inmation has n been used to create models which are n assembled into work solar stems to give you an idea of what y might look like if could travel re to. ٭ Planet are divided into follow mass classes: ٭ Mercurian - rocky worlds that have roximate mass of Mercury ٭ Sub-terran - rocky planets with a mass similar to Mars ٭ Terran - rocky worlds with similar mass to Earth ٭ Super-terran - rocky worlds with a higher mass than Earth ٭ Neptunian - gas giants similar to Neptune ٭ Jovian - gas giants as massive or more massive than Jupiter ٭ planets are furr divided into follow temperature classes: ٭ Hot - planets that are too hot to support liquid water ٭ Warm - planets in star's habitable zone where liquid water could exist ٭ Cold - planets beyond habitable zone where water would exist as ice ٭ Wha in t version : (Updated : Sep 29, 2012) ٭ More planet inmation ٭ Now us PHL planet data ٭ 3D engine updated ٭ Misc. bug fixes ٭ Required Android O/S : 2.2+ ٭ Release By chathu ٭ play: ٭ ٭
https://play.google.com/store/s/d...planeplorer ٭ Download: ٭ http://www.directmirror.com/files/0KWYLZ6L ٭